In these days of online classes, it is vital to know how to set and mark an online test. Microsoft Office has a very simple tool that is still effective and interactive. It is Microsoft Forms.
Let’s have a look at how it works.
Sign in to MS Forms
First sign in to your MS Office account by typing in the address bar of your web browser and pressing Enter. Select Microsoft Office and sign in. Click on All apps or on the App launcher (the 9 small squares in one bigger square just left of Office on the upper left of your screen).

Now click on Forms.
Start a New Quiz
Then click on New Quiz.

Next click on Untitled quiz and give a title to your test.

We will call our Test: Biblical Studies Test June 2020. You can add an image by clicking on the image button. It is easier to upload a picture from your computer than to take a picture from the Internet. You can also enter a description in the Enter a description field.

You are now ready to start setting your test.
The Choice Question
Click on + Add new to add your first question.

There is a list of different options. For tests we would use choice, text or date.
Click on the type of question you want to ask. In this case we will use Choice. The screen now looks like this:

Type in the question in the Question field. Click on the options and type the possible answers the students can choose from. You can add another option by clicking on + Add option or by simply pressing Enter. If Multiple answers are possible, move that option to the right. If the answer is Required, move that one to the right.
Take note! Be careful if you make a question Required. This means that the student cannot continue with the test if they have not answered the question.
Once you have typed your question with optional answers you must indicate the answer as well as the marks (points) that are allocated to a correct answer. This you can do by hovering your cursor just right of the answer (see the red square in the following figure). There are three options. Click on the bin to delete the option. If you want to write a comment on that answer click on the call out . Click on the tick mark to show the correct answer. Add the number of marks allocated to a correct answer in the Points block.

The Text Question
Click on + Add new to add the next question. Let’s make this one a Text question. Click on + Add answer to provide the correct answer.

If the answer is going to be a longer, paragraph type answer, move Long answer to the right.
Text Answers
You need to be careful with Text answers. Longer answers cannot be marked by the computer. Also keep in mind with short answers that a spelling error will be marked as a mistake. You therefore need to decide whether you are testing knowledge or spelling or both.
By clicking on the three dots at the bottom right of a question, you can add a subtitle. Use this space by explaining something in your question.

Multiple Answers and Drop-downs
If more than one answer might be correct, move the Multiple answers button towards the right.
If a Choice question has only one answer, you can click on the three dots at the bottom right of the question and select Drop-down. The student then has to click on the right answer on the drop-down.

You can also change the Theme of the Quiz by clicking on Theme.

Select the Theme that you would prefer.
You are nearly ready to Share your Test with your students. But, before you share your Test, you need to set it up properly for sharing. Go to Settings by clicking on the three dots next to Share.

Here are a few important things to know. If all your students have a Microsoft Office account through your institution, you can limit responses to Only people in my organization can respond. For a test, click on Record name and you can decide whether a student may take a test more than once.
You can also say whether you want to Show results automatically or not.

If all your students do not have Microsoft Office accounts, you need to add Name and perhaps Email as questions in your quiz.
You are now ready to Share your test.
Click on the Share button in the upper right corner. A pane will appear that says Send and collect responses.
Click on Only people in my organization can respond and change it to Anyone with the link can respond depending on whether your students have access to Microsoft Office or not.
Click on Copy and there you have the link on your clipboard. You can now decide whether you want to paste the link somewhere or whether you want to email it to the students.

As the students complete the test, the responses will be sent to you.
Once students have completed the test, they will be able to View results by clicking on the button. They will see where they made mistakes and can use the information to prepare themselves for next time.

Once everyone has answered, you can collect the responses.
Click on Responses at the top right of the quiz.

Here you can find all sorts of wonderful statistics. Click on Review answers to see more.
You can see each student’s answers. Post a comment by clicking on the feedback call out next to the Respondent’s name. This would be your comment on the whole test. You can give feedback question by question as well by clicking on the feedback call out next to a question.

By clicking on the tree dots towards the right of the respondent’s name, you can Delete, Print or Post the response. Remember that if you delete the response, it cannot be undone.

To see the next respondent’s response, click on the drop-down with the respondent names.
Results in Excel
Finally, you can open the results in Excel.

An Excel file will automatically download.
In this Excel File you will find the respondents with their answers, their marks for each answer as well as any Feedback that you provided.
If you would like to see an example of how this works and you have a Microsoft Office account, you can click here.
Opening the link will open the Quiz. Please click on Duplicate it.

It will save the test on your own profile and you will be able to edit it.
Happy quizzing!