Apart from being in a natural disaster, I think the closest devastation is going back to the scene of the disaster trying to pick up the pieces and realising that the worst may still be ahead of you. It is a time of feeling hopeless, helpless, afraid, confused and perplexed. At a time like this, it is easy to see no way ahead and throw up hands in surrender to despair.
The economy is opening but not for all and for some, the loss is so much that there appears to be nothing to go back to. If big companies are closing down, how will the small ones cope?A number of people have been laid off and there appears to be no openings anywhere. Whatever the case may be, the bills are piling up; mortgages, car loan, school fees, utilities and other day to day expenses that still need to be honoured but with what? And then there is still the fear of the coronavirus because no one is immune. All around, wherever one turns to, the picture seems dismal.
“Hope” is a thing…
I love to read poetry because sometimes it seems to be the only thing that adequately describes my inner feelings. I call it “concentrated language”. One of my favorites is titled “Hope” by Emily Dickinson. She describes hope as a bird that sings softly to us even in the darkest hour. It gently alights on us and keeps us warm but only if we allow it. Sometimes the only thing that can keep us going is that feeling that things will work out, despite the present circumstances. It is looking beyond today to tomorrow and the day after that, and the one after thatª.

Watch, listen and sing
Feeling hopeless? Hope
When hopelessness stares us in the face, the only thing left to do is hope. Hope gently beckons to us to listen to it whispering that all will be well. Looking at circumstances around us now, it will seem that there will be no recovery; but Job knew better in spite of the tragedy he experienced. He said that in Job 14: 7 -9.

Let hope in. The light will shine again in Jesus’ name. Amen.