Join Us

Join us and become an associate school.

There are two ways in which a school can associate with SAHCET.

  • Your school can becoming a mentoring school. This entails hosting and mentoring teacher interns. You will need a senior teacher to mentor the teacher intern. There must be one mentor per student. The school enters into an agreement with the teacher intern for mentoring. During this time, the teacher intern will receive a stipend from the school. This is for assistance in class or during extracurricular activities. The school must further provide facilities for the teacher intern to study for 3 hours per day. You will also have to release the teacher intern once per week to attend sessions at the teacher training site in your area.
  • Your school can become a teacher training site. This entails not only the hosting and mentoring of teacher interns but also further education and training. This training will focus on practical implementation of theoretical knowledge as well as specific attention to Christ-centred teaching from a Biblical worldview.

When a school wants to join us and become an associate, SAHCET requires the school to sign the SAHCET Statement of Faith, the Code of Ethics and the Teacher Training Site policy. Click on the various links to read them.

Join Us

Once you have read through the policies, click here to complete the registration form. You will be contacted within 2 working days once you have submitted the form. If you are not contacted within this time frame, please let us know at