
Support to students and schools has high priority at SAHCET. Owing to the challenge of student attrition over the world and regularly reported in the news, student support is vital. Welcome to this department. Here we aim to support students and schools in a holistic manner like Paul’s blessing of the Thessalonians. We read in 1 Thessalonians 5:23: “May the God who gives peace make you holy in very way and keep your whole being ÔÇô spirit, soul, and body ÔÇô free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Through this department SAHCET provides support in the following ways:

  • Through different series on our blog.
  • Through short courses that will be made available online through our website or onsite at your school.
  • Providing assistance to students experiencing challenges at the various universities where they are enrolled ÔÇô especially with communication and administration.
  • One-on-one online tutoring for struggling students.
  • Online resources and tools.
  • Through facilitating a student community, both virtual and physical.

Different Support Series on the Blog

Look out for a regular article on a range of topics. People with experience in a wide range of topics will be contributing. The blog will not only provide support to students but will become a wonderful resource for teachers. You can look forward to articles on:

  • The importance of a Biblical worldview for teachers;
  • What does it mean to be Kingdom-minded?
  • What is Christ-centred education?
  • The story of Christian education in South Africa from the perspective a someone who lived through most of it;
  • The importance of a personal relationship with God;
  • How to hear GodÔÇÖs voice in the midst of a busy day;
  • Leadership;
  • How to study;
  • Goal setting;
  • Time management;
  • How to write academic papers;
  • Classroom management;
  • Subject specific advice;
  • How to use technology as a tool in your studies;
  • How to use technology as a tool in the classroom;
  • Legal issues that we have to be aware about like POPIA;
  • Stay calm and carry on ÔÇô staying focussed when the world around you goes mad;
  • Staying fit for service (looking at the importance of a healthy lifestyle);
  • Modelling healthy social media use;
  • Email etiquette;
  • Academic referencing;
  • Computer security;
  • And many more.

Short Courses to Provide Support

Furthermore SAHCET will offer short courses that will walk students (whether interns, learners or teachers) step-by-step through their studies and different issues. This will amongst others include courses on the following:

  • How to study;
  • Requirements for 21st Century Learning;
  • Mentoring;
  • Mentoring for high school learners;
  • Developing leaders.

These short courses can be online (either as eLearning or as webinars) or they could be hosted on site.

Providing Support with University Communication

Communication with universities can be an enormous challenge in distance learning. Therefore SAHCET works at developing relationships at the various universities where our interns are enrolled to facilitate this communication.

One-on-one Tutoring for Students

In the event that a student struggles with a specific subject and cannot find help, SAHCET will arrange online tutoring with an expert where possible.

Online Resources and Tools

SAHCET will make online resources and tools available for interns as well as school teachers that they will be able to use. This will include online guides and toolkits as well as infographics on subjects like:

  • How to study;
  • Mentoring toolkit;
  • Classroom management infographic;
  • Planning forms and so forth.

Student Community

One of the big challenges of online learning is the lack of community. Although a big part of this is addressed through the mentoring programmes at the schools, this becomes even more of a challenge when the mentoring programme at a school is small.

This community will be formed across various platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Microsoft Teams.

Students will have the opportunity to collaborate with students from all over the country. For example regular meetings will be encouraged where students can share about the challenges they are experiencing, find help and encouragement from other students, or attend online tutoring sessions.

SAHCET will also host a student conference once a year where students will have the opportunity to get together physically and showcase their talents through sport and other cultural activities. This will also be a time where different speakers will provide input into the studentsÔÇÖ lives. Ultimately each of these conferences will culminate in a community outreach.

As a result a close knit community of Christian teachers will develop across our country. This will lead to huge benefit for our schools in the future.

We are looking forward to this journey with you!

If you need any support in any area whatsoever, contact