Being a good student requires diligence and hard work, but being a Christian student requires so much more. Why is this, you may ask? To explain, let’s consider who a Christian student is.

  • The Christian student prioritizes their identity as a Christian before their identity as a student. The identity of being a Christian should affect every area of their life, so although they are in the world, they are not of the world, and this must show in their behavior and attitude to issues.
  • The Christian student serves as an ambassador of God’s kingdom. Each Christian student represents the Kingdom of God wherever they are studying and must ensure that the people around them know about the Kingdom and are invited to become its citizens (2 Corinthians 5: 20).
  • Studying is part of the kingdom’s business. Ordained clergymen are not the only ones who are called to the work of God; all God’s children are, and we must see that we are at our place of assignment. Therefore, a student serves God by studying diligently. When Christian students excel in their studies, they bring glory to God and with the knowledge they acquire they are better equipped to educate others and lead them to Christ. A good example is the Apostle Paul, who because of his academic training was able to speak before many leaders of that time.
  • Excellence is the hallmark of the kingdom. Paul writes to spiritual son in 1 Timothy 4:12 to set an example for others to follow. That should be the aim of every Christian student.

Considering the above, some characteristics are expected of a Christian student.


This is fundamental for a Christian student to manage their time effectively between studies, prayer, and other responsibilities. Discipline helps them set priorities, adhere to a structured study schedule, and resist temptations that could distract from their goals. It also fosters self-control, a fruit of the Spirit according to Galatians 5:22-23. A Christian student will not procrastinate, leaving tasks and assignments to the last minute.


Diligence reflects a strong work ethic and the commitment to persevere in studies, even when challenges arise. It is about putting in the effort needed to achieve excellence, not for personal glory, but as a way of honoring God through their work, in line with Colossians 3:23-24. A Christian student does not give up easily but will keep at a task until it is done.


Decorum involves behaving respectfully and appropriately, reflecting Christ’s teachings in interactions with peers, and teachers, and during participation in school activities. This includes showing respect, kindness, and empathy towards others, which are key Christian values.


Dedication in a Christian student’s life means being committed to their faith and educational goals. This involves not only striving for academic success but also seeking to grow spiritually, participate in church and community service, and live out their faith in practical ways. Christian students are consistent in their commitment to God and His teachings and living out their faith in a way that is evident to those around them.


Honesty is crucial for building trust and integrity. A Christian student is expected to be truthful in their academic work (avoiding plagiarism and cheating), in their communication, and in their dealings with others, reflecting the honesty and truthfulness of Christ.


A Christian student should not just notice the problem in society but through compassion, work towards resolving the issues. They should show genuine concern and kindness to those in need, reflecting Jesus’ command to love our neighbors as ourselves. Some of these projects will be initiated by the school but if not, Christian students should prayerfully seek how they can positively impact their communities.


Exercising patience with themselves and others, as well as understanding that growth and learning are processes that take time is a must for a Christian student. They must not be impatient and difficult to live with. James 3:13 points to the fact Christians have the wisdom to live at peace with people.


A Christian student should maintain an attitude of thankfulness for the opportunities and blessings received, recognizing them as gifts from God. A grateful student is diligent to complete tasks conscientiously seeing them as opportunities to bring glory to God.


It is a must for all Christian students to recognize their limitations and value others’ contributions. They need to understand that every individual is made in the image of God and has worth with Him. They are not too proud to ask for help and do not look down on those who need their help.


Prayer cannot be left out of a Christian student’s life. We are admonished to pray without ceasing and the student should cultivate the habit of committing all things to the hands of God. Prayers should be individual and cooperate. There are many verses in the Bible where God promised to give wisdom to his children. Wise Christian students search for the verses and will ask God for wisdom, knowledge, understanding and the spirit of excellence in addition to studying diligently and working conscientiously.

The Example of Daniel

An example that every Christian student should aim to emulate is Daniel. He and his friends refused to be part of the popular culture, choosing instead to be true to their faith. Sometimes people think that being a Christian means not living life to the fullest or living a life of mediocrity. Daniel’s life shows that that belief is erroneous. He and his friends were ten times better than others who indulged in the King’s delicacies Daniel 1:20.

Daniel’s Decision

We must note that Daniel did not suddenly stand out in verse 20. The journey to standing out began in verse 8 when he determined in his heart that he would not defile himself. Christian students must make the vital decision not to defile themselves when studying far from home or online. It is possible to develop a different identity when studying in a different geographical location or if the school is online to visit questionable sites under the guise of studying. This determination will form the basis for all other decisions later. Daniel was also not ashamed to identify as a child of God. He was so open about his faith that his enemies knew that it was the only thing they could accuse him of. A Christian student needs to identify with a church where they serve God in different capacities. Daniel was respectful in dealing with the eunuch when he informed them that he did not want to take the food and the wine provided by the king. It is important to know how to approach those in authority.


The responsibilities of a Christian student extend far beyond the academic realm, encompassing a holistic approach to life that shows their faith in every aspect of their existence. Emulating a figure like Daniel, Christian students should be disciplined, diligent, decorous, dedicated, honest, compassionate, patient, grateful, humble, and prayerful.

These characteristics set Christian students apart as individuals of integrity and purpose. They also serve as effective ambassadors for God’s kingdom in their educational environments. Christian students prioritize their spiritual identity and commitments alongside their academic pursuits. They embody a living testimony to the transformative power of faith, marked by excellence in both character and scholarship.

They serve as beacons of God’s love and grace. Their lives invite others to explore the richness of a life rooted in Christ. Christian students are equipped to excel academically as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of their educational journeys. They also need to make significant contributions to their communities and the wider world. They need to reflect the kingdom’s values in every endeavor. Ultimately, the Christian student’s journey is one of continuous growth and service underpinned by a steadfast commitment to glorifying God through every aspect of their lives.

Are you a Christian student or just a student?